Tubby Moves to Approve Use of Child Soldiers
(too old to reply)
2017-06-24 14:57:04 UTC
In a highly unusual intervention, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson plans to remove Iraq and Myanmar from a U.S. list of the world's worst offenders in the use of child soldiers, disregarding the recommendations of State Department experts and senior U.S. diplomats, U.S. officials said.
The decision, confirmed by three U.S. officials, would break with longstanding protocol at the State Department over how to identify offending countries and could prompt accusations the Trump administration is prioritizing security and diplomatic interests ahead of human rights.
Prioritizing the United States interest is what we pay them to do and
what the constitution says they are required to so. The world has it's
own problems, but the U.S. is all we can rule.

The first rule in life is to take care of yourself so that you can still
be there with the ability to help others and NOT become one who needs
help and thereby contribute to the problem.
That's Karma
2017-06-24 15:13:34 UTC
In a highly unusual intervention, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson plans to remove Iraq and Myanmar from a U.S. list of the world's worst offenders in the use of child soldiers, disregarding the recommendations of State Department experts and senior U.S. diplomats, U.S. officials said.
The decision, confirmed by three U.S. officials, would break with longstanding protocol at the State Department over how to identify offending countries and could prompt accusations the Trump administration is prioritizing security and diplomatic interests ahead of human rights.
Prioritizing the United States interest is what we pay them to do and
what the constitution says they are required to do. The world has it's
own problems, but the U.S. is all we can rule.

The first rule in life is to take care of yourself so that you can still
be there with the ability to help others and NOT become one who needs
help and thereby contribute to the problem.

Better that you be wealthy than you be another person that we have to help.
That's Karma